Wednesday, 21 September 2011

From a Cardinal to Quakers (via Uganda and chocolate)

I have progressed to Theology, and works by John Henry Newman, given by some of Somerville's early benefactors -- Mark Pattison, Rector of Lincoln College, Henry Nettleship, a classical scholar and Fellow of Lincoln, and J. (John) Theodore Dodd, a lawyer who was particularly concerned with poor relief -- and from the bequest of Alice Burnet, who read Modern Languages (French) at Somerville 1928-1932 and ended up as Warden of Mary Stuart Hall, Makerere College (now University), in Uganda. Next on the shelf is The Soul, her Sorrows and her Aspirations, by Francis William Newman, John Henry's younger brother; this was given to the College by Margery Fry and bears her bookplate, on which is written "From the library of J. S. Fry, 1913" -- presumably Joseph Storrs Fry (1826-1913), her father's elder brother and head of the family chocolate firm from 1886, who was a devout and active Quaker.